A Simple Callback Chain Macro for Elisp

lisp emacs

A macro for Emacs Lisp to replace deeply nested callback chains with nice callback pipelines.

The Problem

As usual, it started with a tiny piece of ugly code:

(bd-create-stage datafile-id
                 (lambda (stage-id)
                   (bd-insert-rows stage-id
                                   [[10 20 30] [40 50 60]]
                                   (lambda (stage-id)
                                     (bd-commit-stage stage-id

The snippet above is basically a callback chain. When bd-create-stage finishes its work, it calls the first lambda, which calls bd-insert-rows with the second lambda as its callback argument, and so on – until it all stops at the ignore function.

I wanted to rewrite it as something like this:

(=> datafile-id
    (bd-create-stage it next)
    (bd-insert-rows  it [[1 2 3 4 5] [6 7 8 9 0]] next)
    (bd-commit-stage it next))

An Idea

Each line in the snippet above could be wrapped in a lambda, like this:

(=> datafile-id
    (lambda (next it)
      (bd-create-stage it next))
    (lambda (next it)
      (bd-insert-rows it [[1 2 3 4 5] [6 7 8 9 0]] next)
    (lambda (next it)
      (bd-commit-stage it next))))

Then it would somehow call each function in the list with the following parameters:

  1. next function in the list as the first parameter, and
  2. the result of the previous function execution as the second parameter.

The Solution

This function chaining thing looks a lot like binary function fold:

(defun chain2 (f1 f2)
  (apply-partially f1 f2))

(defun chain (&rest fns)
  (if fns
      (reduce #'chain2 fns :from-end t)

Applying chain to a function list creates a new function taking one parameter and passing it through the whole function list, much like the -> macro does.

In fact, this is enough to start working on the macro.

(defmacro => (initial &rest forms)
  `(funcall ,(build-form-chain forms) ,initial))

The build-form-chain function wraps each form into a lambda and then chains them together:

(defun build-form-chain (forms)
  `(apply #'chain
          (list ,@(mapcar #'build-form-link forms) #'ignore)))

At the end it adds ignore as a terminator. The terminator is necessary because the last callback’s result is almost always ignored.

The build-form-link implementation is trivial:

(defun build-form-link (form)
  `(lambda (next it) ,form))

Done! Here’s the full source for your convenience:

(defun chain2 (f1 f2)
  (apply-partially f1 f2))

(defun chain (&rest fns)
  (if fns
      (reduce #'chain2 fns :from-end t)

(defun build-form-link (form)
  `(lambda (next it) ,form))

(defun build-form-chain (forms)
  `(apply #'chain
          (list ,@(mapcar #'build-form-link forms) #'ignore)))

(defmacro => (initial &rest forms)
  `(funcall ,(build-form-chain forms) ,initial))

Now let’s see how the macro expands:

ELISP> (macroexpand
     '(=> datafile-id
          (bd-create-stage it next)
          (bd-insert-rows  it [[1 2 3 4 5] [6 7 8 9 0]] next)
          (bd-commit-stage it next)))

(funcall (apply (function chain)
                (list (lambda (next it)
                        (bd-create-stage it next))
                      (lambda (next it)
                        (bd-insert-rows it [[1 2 3 4 5] [6 7 8 9 0]] next))
                      (lambda (next it)
                        (bd-commit-stage it next))
                      (function ignore)))

Exactly as intended.

This macro covers 95% of my callback chaining needs. For the rest 5% there is the all-powerful deferred.el library.